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Accelerated Ministerial Advancement Program

ExCeLL in a hurry: AMA


Texas Bible College and the Texas District UPCI proudly present the latest education program for prospective ministers: the Accelerated Ministerial Advancement (AMA) program.

What is AMA?

AMA stands for Accelerated Ministerial Advancement. It's a fast-track program for prospective ministers wanting to become licensed with the UPCI... in a hurry! It's a fully online, discounted program that allows ministers to satisfy licensing requirements in only 20 hours of concentrated training... and all three licensing requirements in just 60 hours!

There are three licensing levels: Local, General, and Ordination. Each level requires completion of 10 courses. Each course requires 2 hours of video training and reading completion of one textbook. Bonus: It is completed entirely online!

Each course costs only $35. Students will also receive 1/3 academic credit per completed course. Textbook prices vary at $9.99 to $19.99/each. Both e-books and hardcopies are available from Pentecostal Publishing.

Course and Licensing Plans

Local License Plan

Homiletics I
Keys to Spiritual Success
Life and Times of Christ
Old Testament Survey I
The Oneness of God 
The Story of Christianity I

A. B. Keating 
Doug Hogsten
J. Marrell Cornwell
Ken Gurley 
Eugene Wilson
Joshua Reneau
Joshua Reneau
Nathan Scoggins
Wayne Huntley
Joshua Reneau​

UPCI Ministerial Licensing Book
Handbook on the Book of Acts  (Johnston)
Understanding God's Word  (Bernard)
Practical Holiness  (Bernard)
Life Preaching  (McClintock)
Spiritual Disciplines  (Johnston & Myers)
Handbook on the Gospels  (Brickle)
Handbook on the Pentateuch  (Paris)
The New Birth  (Bernard)
Oneness of God  (Bernard)
United we Stand  (Clanton & Clanton)

General License Plan

Basic Doctrine I

​Basic Doctrine II
Christians Ethics
Discipleship & Church Growth I


Epistles of Paul
General Epistles 

​Homiletics II
Leadership Development I
Ministerial Ethics
Old Testament Survey II

Richard Davis


​Richard Davis
Richard Davis
Ron Wofford


Todd Nance
David Fauss

​Ken Gurley 
David Tipton 
Richard Davis 
Joshua Reneau

UPCI Ministerial Licensing Book
History of Christian Doctrine (abridged or 3-volume series)  (Bernard)
Doctrines of the Bible  (Hall & Bernard)
Integrity  (Davis)
Follow to Lead  (Gleason)


Handbook on the Epistles of Paul (Painter)
Handbook on the General Epistles & Revelation  (Brickle & Painter)
We Preach  (Jones)
Realign  (Wilson)
The Pentecostal Minister  (Hall & Bernard)
Handbook on the Historical Books  (Paris)

Ordination License Plan

Business Management 
Discipleship & Church Growth II
Gifts of the Spirit
Leadership Development II
The Story of Christianity II
Wisdom Literature​

​Kevin Cox
Jeffrey Brickle
Rob McKee
Doug Hogsten
Eugene Wilson 
David Hunt
Jason Upton
Richard Davis
Joshua Reneau
J. R. Ensey

UPCI Ministerial Licensing Book
The Details Matter  (Coon)
I Am  (Norris)
Growing a Church  (Bernard)
Spiritual Gifts  (Bernard)
Seventy  (Wilson)
Life, Death, & End of the World  (Norris)
Handbook on Prophets  (Runck)
The Message of Romans  (Bernard)
Howard A. Goss: A Pentecostal Life  (Johnston)
Handbook on Psalms & Wisdom Literature  (Painter)

Frequently asked questions

How Much does it cost?


Each course costs $35. You can enroll in multiple courses simultaneously but have one month to finish your course load. Extensions cost $7/month. We accept card, cash, and check payment. Textbooks are not included and are purchased separately. Textbooks are available from Pentecostal Publishing.


What If I already have my license?


You can enroll in AMA anyway! Some ministers may already have current licenses but wish to take classes for further knowledge and enrichment. We welcome both unlicensed and licensed ministers!


Do I get academic credit for this?


Yes... but at a reduced rate. Because each course is only two hours long, students will receive 1/3 academic credit per completed course or one academic credit for three successfully completed courses. If students complete all thirty AMA courses, they will have earned ten academic credits. In comparison, ExCeLL classes are 11 weeks long and offer three academic credits per course.


Can I earn a degree through AMA?


No. AMA is strictly for ministerial licensing, not degree completion. While you do receive academic credit per course, the most you can receive (for all 30 courses) is ten academic credits.

​A bachelor of arts degree through Texas Bible College is 120 academic credits. An associate of arts degree is 60 credits. If you want to earn your degree, you may do so through TBC ExCeLL (ExCeLL Degree Plans), TBC on-campus, or ​​TBC Online.


How do I get started?


Students can register and enroll in AMA at any time. If you would like to register, please complete the AMA registration form below in its entirety and email it to the ExCeLL Secretary.


(833) TBC-1964

©2023 by Texas Bible College.

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