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TBC ExCeLL Now Academics

ExCeLL now Plans


The 2017 and 2020 curriculum development plans enable students to earn an Associate or Bachelor's Degree of Arts in Christian Ministry, as well as qualify them to apply for Local License, General License, and Ordination with the UPCI.

Fall 2020 Plan

UPCI Local License - 5 Semesters
​Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry - 6 Semesters
UPCI General License - 8 semesters
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry - 12 Semesters
UPCI Ordination Completion - 12 Semesters


Any student who first enrolled in ExCeLL Now for Fall 2020 or thereafter is on the above new plan. For students who first enrolled prior to Fall 2020, please see your plan below. 

Please take a look at our Degree Plans and UPCI Ministerial Licensing Plans for a list of the courses required to complete the 2020 plan.
​View our Degree Plans.
View our UPCI Ministerial Licensing Plans.

Religious Degree-Granting Authority

Our current degree-granting authority for religious degrees comes from a ruling in 2007 by the Texas Supreme Court. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has acknowledged that as long as the degrees offered by Texas Bible College are entirely religious in nature it is allowed per Texas Law.

Please see attached letter from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (click here)
Texas State Law gives Texas Bible College the authority to grant degrees as long as they are entirely religious in nature.




​Texas Bible College is currently working toward accreditation with an accreditor. Completing the lengthy accreditation process can take 4+ years. We are on track to apply for candidacy Fall 2024.


Now in Spanish!


We are in the process of having our ExCeLL curriculum translated into the Spanish language! You can also download our Spanish-language Policy and Procedures Manual and required forms by visiting our Resources page.


Why did the degree plan change?


Fall 2017 Plan
UPCI Local License - 5 Semesters
​Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry - 8 Semesters
UPCI General License - 8 semesters
UPCI Ordination Completion - 12 Semesters
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry - 15 Semesters


As we seek accreditation, TBC must require general education courses like English, Mathematics, etc. This necessitated a change to the degree plan. In Fall 2020, we installed the new 2020 Degree Plan, which is a hybrid ExCeLL/online plan, allowing students to complete their ExCeLL courses at their church and the general education courses online. 

Those who began ExCeLL any semester from Fall 2017 through Summer 2020 are on the previous 2017 degree plan. It is unfair to require older students to adhere to new academic requirements, so these students have a 5-year grace period. Students can continue on the 2017 plan (no general education courses), provided they finish that plan within five years from their original enrollment date. If they cannot finish the 2017 plan within that timeframe, they are grandfathered into the new plan. For questions, please get in touch with our ExCeLL Secretary.


Program Plans Prior to Fall 2017


 TBC ExCeLL began in the 1990s, offering a certificate of completion to students completing the 30, 36, or 45-credit hour program (depending on the specific year's program). TBC ExCeLL Now offers degrees at 60 credit hours and 120 credit hours. Former students who would like to further their education beyond their certificate and earn a degree may do so either online, on-campus, or through teaching or attending TBC ExCeLL Now classes. For questions, please get in touch with our ExCeLL Secretary.


Online general education courses


ExCeLL's Bible and spiritual development courses are taken in a classroom setting and taught by a church leader at the students' church. Though quite adept at teaching theology or spiritual development, ExCeLL instructors may not be qualified to teach general education courses such as College Algebra or English Composition. Therefore, all general education courses required are offered through TBC Online. Online courses are taken separately from ExCeLL on an individual basis. Because online courses are pursued individually, they are, therefore, not the responsibility of the student's ExCeLL coordinator to oversee.

Online classes taken concurrently with ExCeLL enable students to finish their Associate degree in 6 semesters and their Bachelor's degree in 12 semesters. However, online classes do not have to be taken concurrently. Some students wish to alternate taking ExCeLL and online classes -- taking semesters 1-6, then taking GE classes, then ExCeLL semesters 7-12 -- and then completing those last GE classes. Some students wish to complete all ExCeLL classes in semesters 1-12 and then take GE classes. The ExCeLL and online formats allow students much flexibility. Also, TBC's online courses are currently half as expensive as online courses at other colleges/universities. This makes completing a degree so affordable! To register for online classes, please get in touch with TBC Online. 


Academic Credit Transfer


Instead of taking online general education courses, students may transfer academic credit from other colleges/universities to TBC. If you would like to do so, please have your university send an official transcript to us at:
      Texas Bible College
      RE: Academic Credit Transfer
      3900 College Drive
      Lufkin, TX 75901

For questions, contact our academic secretary.



UPCI Endorsement


The United Pentecostal Church International's Office of Education and Endorsement fully recognizes and endorses Texas Bible College, established in 1964. The mission of the Office of Education and Endorsement is to preserve apostolic doctrine, experience, and practice in the endorsed educational, training, and ministerial projects of the United Pentecostal Church International. Their method is as follows:

     1. To preserve the apostolic doctrine
     2. To maintain a system of policies
     3. To encourage consistent upgrading
     4. To serve as a resource agency
     5. To assist in any problem area
     6. To encourage active financial support
     7. To develop and manage opportunities.

​Please see attached official endorsement certificate (click here​) or visit



Getting Started


Anyone can enroll; everyone qualifies. Getting started with the ExCeLL program is a simple and easy task. Please have the Pastor of your church contact us so we can begin the setup process. We will forward a copy of the Policy and Procedures Manual, so the details of our program will be made clear. We can then have your church set up in as little as 30 days.

​Your most significant task as a potential student or new site location is to spread the hunger for these classes throughout your local and neighboring churches. It is our goal to make these classes available to everyone who is seeking to further themselves in the Kingdom of God, and that starts with you. 

​The minimum required attendance to begin a new site location is one student and one instructor. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20). ​If there is not enough interest to begin a new site location at your church, or if you would like to join another church, please take a look at our Active Sites to find a location near you.

(833) TBC-1964

©2023 by Texas Bible College.

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