Scholarships and Grants
Scholarship Applications for Spring 2025 are closed
How to Apply for Scholarships & Grants:
Click on the General Scholarship & Grant Application button below to complete the form for all general scholarships. Two letters of recommendation and a 300-500 word essay are required as part of your scholarship application. You must have either submitted an application to attend TBC or be a current student to apply for scholarships or grants.
Other scholarships & grants listed below have their own application which is linked in that scholarship or grant's description.
Scholarship Information:
Scholarship & Grant Contributions
To make a scholarship donation or to set up a new scholarship, contact the TBC financial office at mahala.watson@tbcnow.com.
Scholarship & Grant Eligibility
Each scholarship and grant has it's own requirements for eligibility. At this time, all of our scholarships require the applicant to be a full-time, on-campus student.
General Scholarships & Grants:
Bradley-Riggle Memorial Scholarship
Rev. R.J. Bradley and Rev. John Riggle, both faithful long-term ministers of establishing and pastoring many Home Missions churches in Texas. Each year a $2,000.00 scholarship ($1,000.00/semester) will be awarded to a student who desires to attend Texas Bible College and whose main calling is in the field of North American or Global Missions. Priority consideration will be given to students whose parents pastor small congregations and/or that actively participate in their church’s Bus Ministry. The applying student for the Bradley-Riggle Memorial Scholarship must exhibit a financial need, be fully involved in their church, have an expressed desire to minister in the field of North American or Global Missions, and committed to pursuing a Christian education.
CB Warren Scholarship
Description coming soon.
Children of Missionaries Grant
This grant is for children of active global missionaries. The cost of tuition is covered at 100% for full-time on-campus enrollment. The student is only responsible for room and board and all other fees.
Diane E. Warren Scholarship
Description coming soon.
Dr. Fred J. Foster Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 2008 by the TBC Alumni and Friends Association. The name of the scholarship was changed in 2018 to honor the life and legacy of the founding president of Texas Bible College, Dr. Fred J. Foster.
Jerroll L. Wallace Memorial Grant
This grant is sponsored by Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Mahaney, the Mahaney Family, and Moss Hill United Pentecostal Church in honor of the life of Rev. Jeroll L. Wallace.
Kyana Reagan Memorial Grant
This grant is sponsored by Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Mahaney, the Mahaney Family, and Moss Hill United Pentecostal Church in honor of the life of Kyana Reagan. Kyana was an alumnus of TBC, an outgoing young lady that fulfilled her calling of God until He called her home. She will always be remembered as a true worshipper, anointed praise leader and someone who never met a stranger. Kyana’s unique laugh and voice will forever be remembered by those who were blessed to know her in the short time God gave her to us on earth.
Nichalas A. Frizzle Memorial Scholarship
In honor of Nichalas A. Frizzle, a fellow classmate of the graduating class of 2021, who passed away in the spring of 2021. He had a love for others and the word of god like no other. He was a faithful servant of Jesus. He was kind and had an infectious smile. Founded by the graduating class of 2021 and continued by the friends and family of Nichalas Frizzle, our hope is that this scholarship will bless a student in the pursuit to fulfill the call of God.
Patterson/Ward Missions Scholarship
The Patterson/Ward scholarship is given by Michael and Jill Patterson-UPCI career missionaries. They would like to offer this scholarship in honor of their parents – Rev. and Mrs. Joes Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Ward. This scholarship is to go towards a student pursuing a missions major.
Ron and Aaron Oliver Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was officially established in 2021. It has previously been awarded locally to students at Apostolic Temple UPC in El Paso, TX, to honor the memory of Aaron Oliver who passed away at the age of 15. After the death of Pastor Ron Oliver in June 2021, it was officially set up with Texas Bible College. Pastor Oliver was in the first full class of TBC in the fall of 1964. Aaron, his late son, had dreamed of following in his father's and brothers' (Jeff and Anthony Oliver) footsteps and wished to attend their alma mater. This scholarship of $1000 annually, will help a student from the Texico District of the UPCI to attend TBC.
Sherry B. Ainsworth Scholarship
Description coming soon.
Spouse Grant
This grant is for married couples who both attend TBC full-time. One spouse will receive 50% off of their tuition as long as both spouses are attending full-time.
Texas District Ladies Scholarship
The Texas Ladies Ministries Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 on behalf of the Texas District Ladies Ministries.
Texas District Sectional Grant
Texas Bible College has a rich legacy. God has used the ministry of TBC to impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The UPCI fellowship as well as many of the churches in our own district have been blessed by the ministry of those that have attended TBC. There is a way that we, as a district, can be a blessing to the students who will continue to promote this apostolic message. ​Students enrolling from the section would have first consideration for the grant. There will be a vetting process by the TBC grant/scholarship committee that would consider GPA and church ministry involvement. This ensures that the grant is invested wisely.
Other Scholarships & Grants:

The Alex Trawick Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in the memory of Alex Trawick. Alex’s dream was to attend TBC. He passed at the age of 16, not being able to achieve that dream, but realized the ultimate goal of attaining the grand prize: heaven. He was a gifted drummer, minister, worshipper and passionate follower of Jesus Christ. The scholarship is provided through The Alex Project, a non-profit started in his honor by Alex’s family and close friends. This is available to anyone who is earnestly following God’s will for their lives through TBC.

Move the Mission Scholarship
Whether you are a student feeling the desire to prepare for ministry by attending a UPCI affiliated college, or an individual feeling the burden to further pursue a missions endeavor, Move the Mission is here to help. Many people face the challenges of raising finances for their tuition or missions trips. Fortunately, MTM has given over 1 million dollars to provide scholarships to qualified people seeking to be trained for service in the Kingdom of God. UPCI Youth Ministries is grateful for the opportunity to partner with these worthy recipients.
Applications are due by February 1st of each year.

Marsha Harper Memorial Scholarship
The Marsha Harper Memorial Scholarship was established by the Pentecostals of Katy to honor the memory of Marsha Harper; mentor, leader, and faithful servant of the Lord. In honor of Marsha Harper's devotion to her children, a $1,000.00 scholarship will be awarded to an honorable, passionate Apostolic individual from a single-parent home. The Marsha Harper Memorial Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to Bible college-bound high school seniors based on demonstrated academic achievement, financial need, student's church involvement/ministries, and express interest in pursuing a Bible education.

Ron and Aaron Oliver
Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was officially established in 2021. It has previously been awarded locally to students at Apostolic Temple UPC in El Paso, TX, to honor the memory of Aaron Oliver who passed away at the age of 15. After the death of Pastor Ron Oliver in June 2021, it was officially set up with Texas Bible College. Pastor Oliver was in the first full class of TBC in the fall of 1964. Aaron, his late son, had dreamed of following in his father's and brothers' (Jeff and Anthony Oliver) footsteps and wished to attend their alma mater. This scholarship of $1000 annually, will help a student from the Texico District of the UPCI to attend TBC.

Mike and Rhonda Littlefield Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2021. It has previously been given to a TBC student connected to Tyler Tabernacle. In honor of the Littlefield’s burden to see next generation leaders get every opportunity that can be provided for them, Tyler Tabernacle has established a scholarship of $1,000.00 per-semester to be awarded to a deserving student. This can be a new student, or one already attending TBC.